Release notes are like beautifully gift-wrapped packages under the tree on Christmas morning. I love reading them and finding interesting little nuggets.
I found two items of note from the 23-March Server 7.0.2 drop that will be important to “Server Heads” (you know, like Dead Heads except we bathe regularly). These two features probably won’t make someone who uses Server occasionally excited, but I’m giddy:
- (Re) Increase in Tabcmd/Tabadmin launch speed. In the original 7.0 release, Tabcmd and Tabadmin launched significantly more slowly than in 6.X. I hate waiting, so this made me very sad. 7.0.2 solves this issue. Example: on one of my test boxes, launching 7.0 tabadmin or tabadmin included a 7-8 ish second lag before they did anything. In 7.02 we’re back down to ~4 seconds.
- Ability to run more than 8 processes. If you write big, heavyweight vizzes that draw lots of marks (don’t do that!), your dashboards will soak up lots of VizQLServer memory. One of the strategies in 6.X and now 7.X to avoid running into out of memory issues to have additional VizQLServer processes running. However, 7.0 limited you to running a maximum of 8 VizQLServer processes, regardless of how many CPU cores you had running on your box. In 7.0.2 this limitation has been removed. A new server property called server.max_procs allows you to re-define the upper limit for a Tableau Server.