Great LTA data strikes again. This time we’re looking at traffic incidents.
My hosts in Singapore do many things well, but they are particularly amazing at infrastructure. LOOK at all the road work going on in this place. No crumbling bridges like at home, I dare say.
I wrote some scripts to grab data from a feed provided by the LTA of Singapore’s Open Data Initiative which reports traffic incidents. I took readings every 8 minutes or so and went for about 8 days. The result is below.
The LTA is smart, too – note how all the road work ceases during rush hour. A beautiful thing.
I love big, beefy dashboards that I can view on my Texas-size monitors. Unfortunately, there is no way they will fit in the real estate I have available in this tumblr style I love so deeply. So click on the image below to view it in Tableau Public when you’re ready.
Datablick and Allen Walker also TOTALLY have me loving MapBox right now, so I had to include some egregious map porn. Here’s my clumsy effort to use some of the great ideas they’ve been showing off the last few months.
The first 30 seconds or so is just me showing off some tool tips, then in just under a minute you’ll get to see all the traffic incidents occurring over the week.